The Listen In podcast from Bitesize Bio is a compilation of our best webinars to enjoy at your leisure, wherever and whenever.

Each episode is an opportunity to gain the valuable insights you need to advance your research.

From a crash course in developing fool-proof ELISAs to the latest applications and innovations in CRISPR/Cas9 and microscopy techniques, and much more. You'll hear about challenges encountered and discover practical solutions to achieve the best possible results.

Tap into the experience and expertise of leading researchers and commercial specialists to drive your research projects forward efficiently and productively. Listen In now!

Latest Episodes

High-Throughput and Wide-Range Protein Concentration Determination of Monoclonal Antibodies

In this episode of Listen In, explore high-throughput and wide-range protein concentration analysis that can deliver a 20-fold improvement in time and budget savings.P...

Multiplexing Magic: How MULTI-seq Revolutionizes Single-Cell RNA Sequencing

Learn more about the capabilities of MULTI-seq in single-cell sequencing in this episode of Listen In. Developed by the Gartner Lab at UCSF, this innovative multiplexi...

Multi-View Light Sheet Microscopy to Track Cell Lineages in Tissue Morphogenesis

A major question in developmental biology is understanding how cellular fate decisions are regulated precisely in space and time. Fortunately, we can now begin to obse...

Enhancing 3D Spatial Biology with AI: Simplified Insights for All

In this episode, learn how AI-powered segmentation, spatial analysis, and phenotyping can help you gain new insights for 3D images with complex morphological measureme...

Accelerate Scientific Progress: The Power of Reproducibility, Collaboration and New Imaging Technologies

Imaging scientists have a critical educational role in improving rigor and reproducibility by sharing their technical expertise and providing intellectual contribution...

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