The Listen In podcast from Bitesize Bio is a compilation of our best webinars to enjoy at your leisure, wherever and whenever.

Each episode is an opportunity to gain the valuable insights you need to advance your research.

From a crash course in developing fool-proof ELISAs to the latest applications and innovations in CRISPR/Cas9 and microscopy techniques, and much more. You'll hear about challenges encountered and discover practical solutions to achieve the best possible results.

Tap into the experience and expertise of leading researchers and commercial specialists to drive your research projects forward efficiently and productively. Listen In now!

Latest Episodes

Critical Analysis Of Research Papers: Practical Examples

As a researcher, one of the most crucial skills to develop is the ability to perform an efficient yet thorough review of manuscripts. Manuscript reviewing requires spe...

New TauSTED Tools for Gentle Live Imaging at Nanoscale Resolution

This episode of Listen In showcases the latest tools and developments for multiplex STED imaging of living specimens at nanoscale resolution. Confocal imaging is a fun...

Finding The Ideal Hook for Your Science Story

Your research is important, but it can be hard to explain to others why it's important. In this episode of Listen In, you'll learn to find the ideal hook for your scie...

Culture Media Preparation: Contamination Control and Retention of Critical Components

Contamination poses a significant risk in cell culture, jeopardizing research outcomes and incurring costly setbacks.This episode of Listen In gives you valuable insig...

Automate Your Pipetting — Unleash Your Potential

Despite the growing number of new technologies and automated instruments, routine liquid handling is still a manual process in many labs. The trend towards automation ...

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