5 Principles for Creating a Rewarding Career Inside or Outside of the Lab

Only a tiny percentage of bioscience PhD students will progress to a PI position. This statistic means that ~95% of us need to find a career path other than the traditional academic one most of us aim for when we set out as scientists.

Listen in to hear from Bitesize Bio's founder, Dr. Nick Oswald, and discover five simple but powerful principles you can use to carve out the career that best suits, excites, and rewards you inside or outside of the lab.

You'll discover:
• How to decide if the academic career path is for you.
• The key mindsets required to keep moving your career toward your desires.
• How Nick evolved his career from academic to industry research, then publishing, and finally to owning and running the business of his choice. And more importantly, what you can learn from that.

Watch the full presentation here: https://events.bitesizebio.com/5-principles-for-creating-a/

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5 Principles for Creating a Rewarding Career Inside or Outside of the Lab