Challenges and Solutions in Microbiome Analysis Workflows

Elucidating meaningful, unbiased microbial community profiles from complex microbiome samples is challenging. In this webinar, you will learn:

– the sources of bias throughout the microbiome analysis workflow
– practical solutions for troubleshooting your techniques
– new technologies to achieve the most representative and unbiased microbiome profiles

Join Dr. Sven Reister as he guides you through a typical workflow for analysis of microbial community profiles of complex and low biomass microbiomes, and learn how to get the most complete, unbiased microbiome profiles from even your most challenging samples.

Creators and Guests

Amanda Welch
Amanda Welch
Science Editor and Writer, AtKisson Training Group
Dr. Sven Reister
Dr. Sven Reister
Deputy Global Development Lead QIAstat
Challenges and Solutions in Microbiome Analysis Workflows