Fast superresolution microscopy – with Lattice SIM
Your life sciences research often requires you to measure, quantify and understand the finest details and sub-cellular structures of your sample. You may be working with tissue, bacteria, organoids, neurons, living or fixed -cells and many different labels.
In this webinar, we will explain how Elyra 7 with Lattice SIM takes you beyond the diffraction limit of conventional microscopy to image your samples with superresolution. Learn how to examine the fastest processes in living samples – in large fields of view, in 3D, over long time periods, and with multiple colors. The new Lattice SIM technology of Elyra 7 brings structured illumination microscopy (SIM) to a new level. Groundbreaking light efficiency gives you gentle superresolution imaging with incredibly high speed – at 255 fps you will get your data faster than ever before.
See how Elyra 7 lets you combine Lattice SIM with single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) for techniques such as PALM, dSTORM and PAINT. Choose freely among your labels when imaging with resolutions down to 20 nm laterally. High power laser lines allow you to image your sample with ease, from green to far red.
Elyra 7 is also very flexible: you can employ a wealth of contrasting techniques and combine them with optical sectioning. The new Apotome mode gives you superfast optical sectioning of your 3D samples. All that, plus Elyra 7 works seamlessly with your ZEISS SEMs in a correlative workflow.
In this webinar, we will explain how Elyra 7 with Lattice SIM takes you beyond the diffraction limit of conventional microscopy to image your samples with superresolution. Learn how to examine the fastest processes in living samples – in large fields of view, in 3D, over long time periods, and with multiple colors. The new Lattice SIM technology of Elyra 7 brings structured illumination microscopy (SIM) to a new level. Groundbreaking light efficiency gives you gentle superresolution imaging with incredibly high speed – at 255 fps you will get your data faster than ever before.
See how Elyra 7 lets you combine Lattice SIM with single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) for techniques such as PALM, dSTORM and PAINT. Choose freely among your labels when imaging with resolutions down to 20 nm laterally. High power laser lines allow you to image your sample with ease, from green to far red.
Elyra 7 is also very flexible: you can employ a wealth of contrasting techniques and combine them with optical sectioning. The new Apotome mode gives you superfast optical sectioning of your 3D samples. All that, plus Elyra 7 works seamlessly with your ZEISS SEMs in a correlative workflow.