Laser Microdissection – Dissection Perfection

Leica Microsystems Laser Microdissection systems are the method of choice for laser-based microscopic sample dissection and collection. Laser Microdissection (LMD) is a microscopic technique for isolating homogeneous, specific and pure targets from heterogeneous samples for downstream analysis (DNA, RNA & proteins). In addition, the Leica Microsystems LMD systems can be used with live cell cultures (LCC, e.g. cloning) and as a manipulation tool (e.g. for live cell/organism manipulation, NanoSIMS or CLEM preparation).

Leica Microsystems recently launched new versions of their LMD systems, the Leica Microsystems LMD6 and LMD7. The new stands offer a bigger field of view at the camera ports, plus the choice between Halogen and LED transmitted light. Combined with a fresh new design, the newest Leica Microsystems LMD systems are an exciting choice for high performance and uncompromised quality.

Learn about the advantages of using Leica Microsystems LMD techniques for precise, contamination-free isolation of specific cell types. Using brain or plant tissue sections as an example, this webinar will provide an overview of the scientific and practical considerations for obtaining highly pure material for further molecular analysis in the field of Parkinson’s disease and plants.

Creators and Guests

Amanda Welch
Amanda Welch
Science Editor and Writer, AtKisson Training Group
Laser Microdissection – Dissection Perfection