Lab Meetings Live: Career Paths for Bioscientists

Are you an early career scientist looking for guidance on your career path? Or you're a seasoned researcher considering a career change and want to know what's out there.

We've brought together a panel of experts and bioscientists with a wide range of experience to share their insights and help you carve out the best career possible.

Get advice and tools to forge a path that suits you—inside or outside academia.

Our panel shares their personal stories and insights into the various career paths available to bioscientists. Plus, gain valuable insights and a new perspective on the rewarding possibilities for your future.

Professor Stuart Maudsley, Odysseus Professor of Receptor Pharmacology, University of Antwerp
Dr. Jane Luff, Director of Delivery, Our Future Health UK
Dr. Axel Thomson, Business Development Executive, Edinburgh Innovations

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Lab Meetings Live: Career Paths for Bioscientists