All Episodes
Displaying 121 - 136 of 136 in total
All About miRNAs Practical Tips Advice and Applications
In this webinar you will learn the tips and tricks necessary for you to successfully work with miRNAs, and how you can use them to further your research. The main poin...
Tools for Analyzing Genetic Variants from Sequencing Data
Tools for Analyzing Genetic Variants froEvery individual harbors millions of genetic variants, many of which may contribute to phenotype. As the cost of sequencing has...
Actionable Steps to Transition to a Non-faculty Career
The current state of the academic job market has come under scrutiny in recent years, largely because of the shrinking number of tenure-track jobs available. This situ...
Next-Generation Sequencing Overview: Step By Step Guide
Next generation sequencing (NGS) is a powerful tool for investigating genome-wide phenomena. It has been used to study epigenetic profiles as part of the ENCODE projec...
How Bitesize Bio Gets Progressive Companies to Help You
Whether it’s equipment costing hundreds of thousands of dollars and requiring millions of dollars in R&D investments or standardized kits that relieve you of tedious g...
Using FIT probes and Super-Resolution Microscopy
All mRNA molecules recruit specific proteins to form ribonucleoprotein complexes (mRNPs). Composition and localization of many mRNPs change dynamically from translatio...
Know the Players: Combinatorial, Single-Cell Approaches
We know that cellular heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment complicates the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Tumors are complex, dynamic systems composed of di...
Critical Success Factors for Sample Collection
Biobanks, or biorepositories, store biological samples that are critical for research in the biomedical fields. Samples from biobanks have been used for genomics resea...
Laser Microdissection – Dissection Perfection
Leica Microsystems Laser Microdissection systems are the method of choice for laser-based microscopic sample dissection and collection. Laser Microdissection (LMD) is ...
How To Be Happier and More Productive in Your Work
Enjoying your work should be one of life’s top priorities not only because you spend much of your time working, but also because if you enjoy your work you’ll inevitab...
Getting Correct Color from Your Camera
Seeing and believing that the dress is yellow may not be that important for the casual wedding image, but in microscopy imaging seeing and believing is critical. Micro...
Combining Light Sheet & Confocal Microscopy
Living cells and organisms often suffer from the high light intensities that are used in conventional imaging. Light sheet microscopy reduces phototoxic effects and bl...
qPCR Tips: Workflow, Applications and Troubleshooting
In this webinar, you’ll get:Practical advice for sample preparation, qPCR setup and result analyses Guidance on choosing the correct fluorescent labeling system for yo...
Liquid Biopsy Sample Handling
Recently, there has been a push to develop alternative methods to traditional invasive techniques, such as solid tissue biopsies, for disease diagnosis and disease pro...
Fast Module for ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan Superresolution
The Fast Module for ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan: Confocal Superresolution Imaging with Four Times the Speed and Improved Signal-to-Noise RatioFirst introduced in Augus...
Optimizing ChIP for Reproducibility
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful technique for evaluating the interactions of proteins with specific regions of genomic DNA, helping to better unders...